Please consider donating to help Deaf Ukrainians still inside Ukraine. Thank you for your help during the war and ongoing crisis!

For the latest update regarding rescue and relief efforts for the Deaf in Ukraine, please read our blog post.


DeafBridge is a nonprofit charity organization serving the Deaf and training leaders in Eastern Europe and Central & Western Asia through service, education, and advocacy.

Since 2015, Deafbridge has been deeply engaged with Ukraine, initially focusing on supporting Deaf camps, church planting, and various activities tailored for the Deaf community. However, with the onset of the war against Ukraine in 2022, our involvement shifted significantly towards rescue and relief operations. Thousands of Deaf individuals have been safely evacuated but thousands remain.

Whether operating on the ground in the war-torn regions of Eastern Ukraine or coordinating resources and training remotely, our commitment to providing humanitarian services to the Deaf remains unwavering. Unfortunately, emergency communication and support are still severely lacking for the Deaf in crisis situations, leaving them vulnerable and isolated.

DeafBridge is committed to supporting the Deaf of Ukraine by providing emergency communication access to those left behind in the region, offering humanitarian aid and coordinating rescue missions for the Deaf needing assistance with evacuation. It will take all of us working together to continue to meet the ever-growing and ever-changing needs of Deaf Ukrainians. Please reach out to us to see how you can help. Thank you!

DeafBridge is committed to supporting the Deaf of Ukraine by providing humanitarian aid and coordinating rescue missions for the Deaf needing assistance with evacuation.

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